Who We Are

Clean Elections Texas (CETex) is a grassroots, nonpartisan, nonprofit organization advocating for transparency and accountability in government and promoting the accessibility, fairness, and protection of the freedom to vote in elections at all levels.

Our Story

Clean Elections Texas (CETex) was officially founded in September 2009 by a group of concerned and determined citizens who were troubled by the undue influence of money in politics. They came together to spread the word about opportunities to make politics more inclusive and representative of the people, knowing that Texans across race, place, and background know our worth and value the freedom to have a voice in our government. CETex is a statewide 501(c)(4) organization, headquartered in Dallas, Texas, and governed by a Board of Directors.

CETex was formed at a time when Americans were taking notice of the egregious amounts of money necessary to win elected office and the outsized influence large donors enjoy over government as a result. The campaign finance reform landscape, established in the wake of Watergate, had been weakened over time, culminating with the Citizens United Supreme Court decision in 2010. Seeking solutions and having learned about successful public financing systems in other states, CETex was founded with a strong focus on state-level public financing of campaigns, other avenues of campaign finance reform, and engaging with candidates and elected officials on these issues.

During the 2020 presidential election, our democratic institutions faced alarming and unprecedented challenges. Attempts to discredit and diminish voting systems, election workers, and diverse voters have become commonplace. CETex sees a basic and urgent need to join efforts to make our elections more fair and accessible while growing the electorate through education, voter registration, and robust election laws.

The Fight for Survival

A Crucial Time for Our Democratic Form of Government

 CETex is committed to educating the public about the threats to our democracy; supporting efforts for greater transparency and  accountability in our democratic processes; and standing up against barriers to free and fair voting.

Join the Movement

Our Team

Liz Wally
CETex Executive Director

Dave Jones
CETex Board President

Cody Meador
CETex Board Vice President

Sandi Hebley
CETex Board Secretary

Amanda Creel
CETex Board Treasurer