

Power Back to the People Rally in Washington, DC, June 28, 2024 at 9:30am ET/8:30am CT

Since former President Trump appointed three justices to the Supreme Court, the MAGA supermajority has overturned abortion rights, weakened voter access, blocked student loan relief, made it harder to fight the climate crisis, easier to put guns back in our communities, and so much more.

Just as they denied our freedom to decide when, whether, and how to have kids, the MAGA Justices on the Supreme Court are now trying to take away our freedom to elect our own leaders. They delayed justice for Trump’s criminal conspiracy to overthrow our elections because they hope to hand him the power to rule over, not represent, us and to appoint new justices when they retire. 

As the Supreme Court justices hand down their final decisions, join us to take power back from the Court so that it works for us and not their billionaire backers.


  • Friday, June 28 | 9:30 AM ET 
  • Outside the U.S. Supreme Court in Washington, D.C.
  • This event will have ASL interpretation and seating
  • The rally will also be livestreamed on Stand Up America’s Facebook page for anyone who is unable to attend in person.
  • Use the online toolkit resources to amplify this issue and event even if you cannot attend!

It’s time for us to leverage our collective voice to demand Congress fight for our freedoms by fixing the Court and leverage the collective power of our vote to uphold our democracy in November.

The MAGA Justices on the Supreme Court have shown us who they are: a movement that rules solely for the wealthy, white few. American voters see through their delays and corruption, and will turn out this November to protect our freedoms, our families, and our futures. 

Stop the MAGA Supreme Court’s Relentless Power Grab. Power Back to the People.

Cody Meador

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